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What happens at the event?The event will start off with a reception and one-on-one meetings from 10 AM to 6 PM, during which you may join or leave at any time. The main presentation by Dubai Real Estate Investment Advisor Martin Scholtz will be held from 6 PM to 7:00 PM, followed by a cocktail reception until 9 PM.
Will there be exclusive offerings?Yes, as part of the event, Tribeca Real Estate will offer exclusive properties in cooperation with their many Dubai based developer partners.
Who is organizing the event?The Event will be organized by Tribeca Real Estate, a Dubai based, German Real Estate brokerage, committed to offering bespoke investment advisory. The firm aims to offer professional and efficient services by taking a transparent, data driven approach to investing.
Will food and beverages be served during the event?Coffee, tea, water, and soft drinks will be supplied throughout the entire event. During the cocktail reception, a selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks along with canapés will be served.
Mülk Satın Almak İçin İkamet Etmek Gerekli Mi?Hayır, Dubai’de mülk satın almak için ikamet etmeniz gerekli değildir. Yabancılar, ikamet iznine sahip olmadan Dubai’de mülk satın alabilirler. Ancak, belirli düzenlemeler, mülk türü ve konumu konusunda kısıtlamalar getirebilir. Satın alma yapmadan önce yerel bir gayrimenkul uzmanına danışmanız önerilir.
Mülk Satın Alırken Ne Kadar Ekstra Maliyetler Var?Dünyanın her yerinde olduğu gibi Dubai'de de alım sırasında ek masraflar vardır: Off Plan / Proje - DLD (Tapu Dairesi Ücretleri): Satın alma fiyatının yaklaşık %4’ü. - Satın alma sözleşmesi ve idari ücreti (İnşaat firmasına göre değişir. Genelde AED 1720 - 4200 arası) - Off Plan’da Komisyon Yok Ikinci El - DLD (Tapu Dairesi Ücretleri): Satın alma fiyatının yaklaşık %4’ü. - Emlakçı Komisyonu: Satın alma fiyatının %2’si. - Trustee Fee: Vasi ücreti AED 5000. - Conveyancing Fee: AED 5000 - AED 6000. - Escrow Agent: UAE'de bir banka hesabınız yoksa, bir emanet acentesine ihtiyaç duyulacaktır. Ücretler, paranın geldiği ülkeye bağlı olarak %0,5 ile %1 arasında değişmektedir.
Nasıl Mülk Satın Alınır? Şahsen Orada Bulunmak Gerekir Mi?İlk olarak, ideal plan aşamasındaki mülkünüzü belirlemek için bir gayrimenkul danışmanına danışın. Daha sonra, bir gösteri odasını ziyaret ederek veya kat planları ve görseller dahil ayrıntılı proje bilgilerini kontrol ederek proje hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinin. Seçtiğiniz mülkü rezerve etmek için bir rezervasyon ücreti ödeyin ve satın alma niyetinizi resmileştirmek için bir Mutabakat Anlaşması (MoU) imzalayın. Şartları ve ödeme planını detaylandıran resmi bir satın alma anlaşması imzalayın. Ödemeler, inşaat kilometre taşlarına bağlı olarak taksitler halinde yapılır. Gerekli ödemeleri tamamladıktan sonra, mülkiyet haklarınızı güvence altına almak için mülkünüzü Dubai Tapu Dairesi'ne kaydettirin.
Plan Aşamasındaki Gayrimenkullere Yatırım Yapmayı Çekici Kılan Nedir?Dubai’de plan aşamasındaki gayrimenkullere yatırım yapmak, genellikle %6 ila %8’in üzerinde önemli bir sermaye kazancı vaat ediyor. Alıcılar, %10 ila %20 arasında değişen peşinat ve inşaat sürecine bağlı taksitlerle esnek ödeme planlarının keyfini çıkarıyorlar. Bazı gayrimenkul geliştiricileri, indirimler ve ücret muafiyetleri gibi teşvikler de sunarak, mülk edinimini daha maliyet etkin hale getiriyor. Teslim sonrası ödeme planları, mülk sahipliğinde ek mali esneklik sağlayarak, uzatılmış ödeme dönemleri ve faizsiz seçenekler sunuyor.
Mülk Satın Alarak Oturma İzni Alabilir Misiniz?Evet, Dubai’de mülk satın almak, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri’nde oturma izni almanıza yol açabilir. Dubai’de en az 2 milyon AED değerinde mülk satın alırsanız, Golden Visa başvurusu yapabilirsiniz. Bu vize genellikle 10 yıla kadar geçerlidir ve mülkiyetinizi sürdürdüğünüz sürece yenilenebilir. BAE’de ikamet etmenize ve yatırımcı vizesi sahibi olarak belirli avantajlardan yararlanmanıza olanak tanır. Ayrıca, Golden Visa, mülk değeri, mülkiyet türü ve diğer yatırım veya iş faaliyetleri gibi belirli gereksinimlere sahiptir.
Beklenen Kira Getirisi Nedir?Dubai’de beklenen kira getirisi, mülkün konumu, türü ve durumu gibi faktörlere bağlı olarak değişir. Genellikle, kira getirileri %6 ila %8 arasında değişmekte olup, bazı gelişim bölgelerinde daha da yüksek olabilir.
Neden Dubai'nin Gayrimenkulüne Yatırım Yapmalıyım?İster yatırım amaçlı ister kendiniz yaşamak için olsun, Dubai’de gayrimenkul hiç olmadığı kadar talep görüyor. Yatırımcılar, Dubai’de %6 ila %8 arasında değişen potansiyel yüksek getirileri takdir ederken, sakinler yıl boyunca güzel hava ve modern altyapı, mükemmel eğitim ve sağlık kurumları ve yüksek güvenlik standartları gibi harika yaşam koşullarının tadını çıkarıyorlar.
Was macht Dubai so attraktiv?Die Investition in Dubai Immobilien verspricht erhebliche Kapitalsteigerungen, die oft 6 bis 8 % überschreiten. Käufer profitieren von flexiblen Zahlungsplänen, mit einer Anzahlung von 10 bis 20 % und an den Baufortschritt gekoppelten Ratenzahlungen. Einige Immobilienentwickler bieten auch Anreize wie Rabatte und Gebührenerlass, was den Immobilienerwerb kostengünstiger macht. Zahlungspläne nach der Übergabe bieten verlängerte Zahlungsfristen und zinsfreie Optionen, was zusätzliche finanzielle Flexibilität beim Immobilienerwerb bietet.
Kann man durch den Erwerb einer Immobilie Resident werden?Ja, der Erwerb von Immobilien in Dubai kann dazu führen, eine Aufenthaltserlaubnis in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten zu erhalten. Wenn Sie eine Immobilie in Dubai im Wert von mindestens 2 Millionen AED erwerben, können Sie sich für ein Golden Visa bewerben. Diese Aufenthaltserlaubnis ist in der Regel bis zu 10 Jahre gültig und kann verlängert werden, solange Sie das Eigentum behalten. Sie ermöglicht es Ihnen, in den VAE zu leben und bestimmte Vorteile als Inhaber eines Investorenvisums zu genießen. Ein Golden Visa hat außerdem spezifische Anforderungen hinsichtlich des Immobilienwerts, der Art des Eigentums und potenzieller anderer Investitionen oder Geschäftstätigkeiten, die erfüllt werden müssen, um für eine Aufenthaltserlaubnis in den VAE in Betracht gezogen zu werden.
Was ist die erwartete Mietrendite?Die erwartete Mietrendite in Dubai variiert je nach Lage, Typ und Zustand der Immobilie. Im Allgemeinen liegen die Mietrenditen bei etwa 6 bis 8 % und sie können in bestimmten Entwicklungsgebieten sogar noch höher sein.
Wieso sollte man in Dubai investieren?Ob als Investition oder zum Eigenbedarf, Immobilien in Dubai sind so gefragt wie nie zuvor. Investoren schätzen die potenziell hohen Renditen von 6 bis 8 % in Dubai, während Bewohner das ganzjährig gute Wetter und fantastische Lebensbedingungen genießen - wie moderne Infrastruktur, hervorragende Bildungs- und Gesundheitseinrichtungen sowie hohe Sicherheitsstandards. Die wachsende Wirtschaft und Bevölkerung tragen zur Stabilität und zur hohen Nachfrage auf dem Immobilienmarkt bei. Für internationale Investoren ist es besonders attraktiv, dass Dubai keine Einkommens- oder Kapitalertragssteuer auf Immobilieninvestitionen erhebt. Außerdem können Sie sogar Immobilien kaufen, ohne in den VAE zu leben oder physisch präsent zu sein.
Wie kauft man eine Immobilie? Muss man Vorort sein?Zuerst konsultieren Sie einen Immobilienberater, um Ihre ideale Immobilie zu identifizieren. Informieren Sie sich anschließend mehr über das Projekt, indem Sie Show-Apartments besuchen oder detaillierte Projektinformationen erhalten, einschließlich Grundrissen und Visualisierungen. Reservieren Sie Ihre ausgewählte Immobilie, indem Sie eine Reservierungsgebühr zahlen und eine Absichtserklärung (MoU) unterzeichnen, um Ihren Kaufwunsch formell zu bestätigen. Unterzeichnen Sie einen formellen Kaufvertrag, der die Bedingungen und Zahlungspläne festlegt. Die Zahlungen erfolgen in Raten, die an Baufortschritte geknüpft sind. Nach Abschluss der erforderlichen Zahlungen ist der letzte Schritt die Registrierung Ihrer Immobilie beim Dubai Land Department, um Ihre rechtlichen Eigentumsrechte zu sichern. Der Erwerb von Immobilien im Voraus in Dubai kann auch aus der Ferne erfolgen, was es für Investoren sehr bequem macht.
Wie viel Nebenkosten gibt es beim Erwerb einer Immobilie?Beim Kauf einer Immobilie in Dubai sollten Käufer mit zusätzlichen Kosten rechnen, die sich auf etwa 7 bis 8 % des Kaufpreises belaufen können. Zu diesen Nebenkosten gehören in der Regel: • DLD (Land Department Fees): Ungefähr 4 % des Kaufpreises • Maklerprovision: In der Regel 2 % des Kaufpreises • NOC-Gebühren für Entwickler: AED 5,250+ • Übereignungsgebühren: AED 6,800+ • Gebühren für die Registrierung des Treuhänders: AED 5,200 für Privatpersonen • AED 2,500 zusätzlich, wenn die Immobilie von einem Unternehmen erworben wird
Muss man Resident sein, um eine Immobilie zu kaufen?Nein, es ist nicht notwendig, in Dubai ansässig zu sein, um eine Immobilie zu erwerben. Ausländer können in Dubai eine Immobilie erwerben, ohne einen Wohnsitz zu haben. Es gibt jedoch bestimmte Vorschriften, die die Art des Eigentums und die Lage der Immobilie für Nichtansässige beschränken können. Es ist ratsam, sich vor dem Kauf mit einem örtlichen Immobilienexperten über die geltenden Vorschriften zu beraten.
Your Benefits & Tools to SucceedHigh-Quality Leads: You will receive daily, high-quality leads from both the European and UAE markets. Exceptional Earnings: At Tribeca, you’ll have the potential to consistently earn 100k AED in commissions per month and above (50% of Sales Commissions). Tailored Marketing & Sales Strategy: Stand out with an individual strategy focused on deal-making and personal branding, making you one of the best in the competitive real estate market. Dedicated Marketing Budget: Each broker receives a budget for personalized marketing activities tailored to their individual strategy. Consistent One-on-One Coaching: As a broker at Tribeca, you’ll get regular, individual coaching sessions to develop your strengths and sales qualities. Full Marketing & Admin Support: Benefit from ongoing, personalized lead generation campaigns, portal listings, dedicated landing pages based on your strategy, professional video and photo shoots, social media content, brochures, and more. International Roadshows and Events: We’ll give you the opportunity to host international roadshows and events to engage with your target audience in their home markets. Modern Technology Tools: We work with modern CRM systems, market analytics tools, and more to calculate investments, streamline processes and keep track of leads and statistics. Visa and Medical Insurance Company Phone and SIM 30 Days Annual Vacation
Why Tribeca Real Estate?At Tribeca, you’ll join a supportive environment, that consistently invests in your professional growth. With us, you'll get all the support you need to become the most successful version of yourself — from personal coaching to marketing leads and modern software.
Other Perks of Being Part of Our TeamStrong Reputation and Network: Leverage our reputation as a top-tier boutique agency renowned for our extensive industry network in the UAE and internationally. No Restrictions: As a broker at Tribeca, you'll have the freedom to sell both Off-Plan and secondary properties in any area of Dubai. Supportive Environment: Whether it’s the management or your colleagues, we believe in teamwork and support each other to consistently close deals. Vibrant Team Events: Enjoy regular company-wide team events that cultivate a collaborative and close-knit work atmosphere. Prime Office Location: Work from our modern, stylish office situated in the heart of Business Bay, one of Dubai's premier business districts.
Roles & ResponsibilitiesProactively identify and pursue sales opportunities to achieve assigned sales targets within the specified markets. Build and maintain strong relationships with potential and existing clients through regular communication, meetings, and presentations. Identify and pursue potential leads through market research, networking, referrals, and other relevant channels. Prepare and deliver persuasive sales presentations and demonstrations, highlighting the unique features and advantages of our offerings. Consult with clients throughout the real estate transaction process, negotiate contract terms, and offer advice on marketing their properties and positioning themselves for purchase. Daily utilize our CRM system to track and manage leads, prospects, and sales activities, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information. Collaborate closely with internal teams and business partners to ensure a seamless and efficient sales process. Stay updated on market trends, competitor activities, and client needs to identify new opportunities and adjust sales strategies accordingly.
Qualifications & RequirementsProven track record of successful sales/business development experience in the following industries: Real Estate, Luxury Retail, Tourism, Software / Tech, Start Up, Business Consultancy, Car / Yacht Sales or similar. Preferably 1+ year of work experience in Dubai Real Estate. Bachelor’s Degree in Business, Management, or a related field. Must have a driver’s license (convertible to UAE driver’s license). Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English and one or more of the following languages: German, Dutch, French or Spanish. Highly independent, self-driven, and organized. Exceptional interpersonal skills, with great presentation and negotiation abilities.
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